Our future plan for Chamberlain Park

Save Chamberlain Park supports improving the site not only for golfers but also for others in the community.

Ecologically sustainable 18 hole golf course and wild life Sanctuary in association with Western Springs. Pedestrian bridge across the motorway and Great North Rd, linking Chamberlain to Western Springs Park.

  1. Broader amenity value -walking/biking tracks around the perimeter
  2. Develop usage opportunities for fringe groups like the blind and the disabled
  3. Encourage community events – use of both the club rooms and potentially closing off parts of the course to allow for planned alternative activities
  4. Promote as a key tourist asset – just 10 minutes from the CBD
  5. Development of virtual golf and other golf forms such as speed golf or blind golf
  6. Upgrade club rooms to cater for community events
  7. Replace the Green Keeper’s shed with a multi-use indoor facility for things like table tennis and badminton
  8. Improve the general quality of the golf course while broadening the amenity value through other activities
  9. Maintaining a low cost and accessible asset

Make CP an environmental friendly park through

  • Meola creek restoration
  • Eradiation of predators
  • More native tree planting, eco friendly maintenance- water conservation, reduced fertilizer use, etc
  • Develop programs for local schools to support the environmental objectives at the park